How To Reset TPMS In Nexon EV
Tata Nexon EV’s TPMS Reset
Tata Nexon EV’s iTPMS system can be reset by following below procedure:
Step 1 :
Inflate all Tires to the OEM recommended Tire pressure as specified on the driver door’s label.

Step 2 :
Turn on vehicle & keep it stationary.
Step 3 :
Go to instrument cluster setting window.

Step 4 :
Select settings through steering right side steering controls buttons.

Step 5:
Select iTPMS reset and confirm OK. Select the “iTPMS reset” option with tick button and arrow buttons can be used for navigation on Right steering control buttons.
Always ensure iTPMS reset is initiated only after all tires are inflated to recommended tire pressure.

Step 6:
Warning indicator will blink approximately 7 times indicating reset is initiated successfully.

Step 7:
iTPMS reset option will grey out during vehicle driving conditions.

iTPMS system will complete its self reset procedure in background once vehicle is getting driven between 40 -120 kmph after reset is Initiated 20 minutes approximately.
Note: Resetting the TPMS function in an incorrect manner may lead to erroneous results. It is imperative that the function is reset only ‘after’ all tires are inflated
to the OEM recommended tires/tire pressure.